5 Outdoor activities with children: Enjoy spring with the family

5 Outdoor activities with children: Enjoy spring with the family

Enjoying the great outdoors isn't solely for soaking up the scenic beauty; it's about crafting unforgettable memories and valuable learning moments for both kids and their parents. The outside world is a boundless playground for adventure, creativity, and enjoyment. Here are five handpicked outdoor activities guaranteed to bring smiles and spark curiosity in families eager to maximize their outdoor moments together.

1. Neighbourhood exploration with ride-on toys or balance bikes

Start a mini adventure around your block or the local park with ride-on toys or balance bikes. These little vehicles are ideal for young explorers, providing a fun and secure way to discover nature. Parents can join in on foot or by bike, creating a delightful family outing. It’s not only exciting for the children but also boosts their physical development and navigation skills. Remember to plan some break stops for refreshments, hydration, and maybe a small picnic in the park.

Wooden bike with basket «AMSTERDAM»

2. Nature scavenger hunt

Elevate a simple walk in the park or woods to an exhilarating treasure hunt with a nature scavenger hunt. Equip your children with a list of things to find, like a particular type of leaf, fascinating stones, or animals. This engaging and educational activity sparks conversations about nature, its preservation, and its wonders. It's an excellent way to nurture observational skills and a deeper respect for the environment.

3. Garden camping with tents and teepees

Transform your garden into a camping site by pitching tents or setting up teepees for a magical night under the stars. This activity is perfect for storytelling, outdoor games, and enjoying the comfort of being close to home. Show your kids how to set up a tent or construct their teepee with blankets and sticks. When evening arrives, star-gaze together, and if you've got a telescope, take turns exploring the cosmos. Garden camping is a wonderful primer to the joys of camping, merging outdoor excitement with homey comforts.

Discover all of our tents here

4. DIY garden obstacle course

Set up an obstacle course in your garden with household items and your kids' favoured toys. Include safe, age-appropriate challenges such as climbing, jumping, and crawling. This adventure can feature anything from weaving through plush toy markers to leaping through hoops. This active play not only aids in physical development but also encourages creativity and problem-solving.

5. Crafting a fairy or rock garden

Let imaginations soar by creating a fairy or rock garden together. This serene activity allows kids to design their own tiny haven, complete with vegetation, stones, and fanciful adornments. Whether inviting fairies with miniature abodes and glittery gems or arranging stones into patterns, this artistic pursuit nurtures wonder and a caring attitude towards living things. It’s a lovely method to teach responsibility through garden care, plus the artistic pleasure of crafting a fantastical or geological paradise.